Information about Studeo

Hornby St 865
V6Z 2G3, Vancouver
+1 604-684-0544

Opening hours

  • Monday: 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday: 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Friday: 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

We’re the strong team behind you. The custom training designed to challenge you. The space built to push you further than you ever thought possible. We’re Studeo, and we have everything you need to be your best.

Bre came to Studeo with an ambitious goal: to lose 5% body fat in four months. It seemed impossible—but it wasn’t long before her custom nutritional and fitness program began delivering results.

A lifelong athlete, Mark joined Studeo to keep up his regular routine—but ended up on a journey that took him all the way to the CrossFit Regionals.

As a nutritionist, coach, spin instructor and boxer, Jana was in the best shape of her life—until a medical emergency forced her to change up her routine.

Studeo is the only place Theron’s ever wanted to be. He works hard and trains even harder, splitting his time between massage therapy, coaching, and training to compete at the CrossFit Games.

A lifelong athlete, Mark Andrew joined Studeo to keep up his regular routine, but ended up on a journey that took him all the way to the CrossFit Regionals.

Studeo is the only place Theron’s ever wanted to work. He trains hard and works even harder, splitting his time between massage therapy, coaching and the CrossFit box.

As a nutritionist, coach, spin instructor and boxer, Jana was in the best shape of her life—until a medical emergency forced her to change up her routine.

I was in Vancouver from LA for a shoot and needed somewhere to workout that would get me actual results. Knowing my soccer background, one of my good friends suggested Studeo. She said they had a more athletic style, which I just assumed meant super intense—like, hate and love your trainer at the same time intense. Which was cool, because that’s usually what I’m into. Plus, after years on the field, I needed a place that could deal with some of my lingering injuries.

I showed up with a pretty big goal: to lose 5% body fat in four months. To me it seemed pretty impossible, and I wasn’t really sure that even a hardcore gym like Studeo could make it happen. Little did I know, they’re pros at body science.

Instead of just designing a workout, they also took a hard look at everything I was putting in my body. It was goodbye delicious Vancouver cuisine and hello strict nutritional plan. I didn’t even have time to mourn the loss of complex carbs, however, because my trainers were always on my case, pushing me harder with every session. Things definitely never got boring.

The warm-up sessions were new for me. I’d never had a trainer take the time to work on mobility and strengthening pre-session before. But I think being prepped really helped elevate my workouts (though I still usually left with shaky legs).

In the end, I got there. I lost 5% body fat in four months and I did it in a way that was safe and healthy. Since then, I’ve slowed down a bit (and reunited with cheat days) but I’ve already started working to get back to my PB. Now that Studeo’s in LA, I’ve got no excuse. To me it’s important to always be at my best, and Studeo’s combo of physical and nutritional guidance is exactly what I need to keep going.

If you were to describe me in one word, it’d be “busy.” Or maybe “whirlwind,” depending on the day. As mom of two small boys and an entrepreneur twice over, I don’t really have a ton of time for just me. Which is okay. I love my family and what I do. But a few years ago, I noticed my body couldn’t keep up anymore. It was time to make myself a priority again.

The first time I climbed those steps at Studeo, I didn’t know what to expect. Sometimes gyms like this can be filled with big egos and people too cool to make eye contact. But it wasn’t like that at all. It was just a bunch of good people who wanted to be healthy.

I made a promise to myself that no matter what was happening in my life, I’d always make it to three classes a week at Studeo. I figured if regular exercise could make me a healthier, happier person, my family and businesses would benefit too.

I wasn’t wrong. Classes like Overdrive, Urban Detox and Tabata have become staples in my routine. They may go by quickly, but they consistently work me hard. It still amazes me that I can see results with such limited time to actually spend at the gym. But I do. When I’m there, for that hour or whatever, I forget everything else that’s going on in my life. It’s like a reset button. These classes have made me a better decision maker, a clearer thinker, and a more fun mom. Stress doesn’t get to me as easily. Sometimes I even wait to make a major business decision until after a Tabata class. For real.

At the end of the day, I’m not training to be a pro athlete or anything. I just want to feel good, to be able to eat the food I love (and I love food), and have enough energy to keep up with my businesses (and my kids). As long as I can stick to my 3x a week plan, I have no doubt I can achieve this, and then some.

I’ve been athletic all my life. Even when I was on the road for work (a lot) I always made time for regular workouts. So when I joined Studeo, I didn’t expect anything life-changing, though I did wonder if I’d be the oldest guy there.

I started out with group classes like Urban Detox. Figured it’d be a nice way to ease myself in. Wrong. I’ve never sweat so much in my life, at least not in the last 30 years. But I liked it, so I kept going. The results came pretty organically, and I began to feel more like I belonged here. With the coaches’ encouragement, I eventually found my way to CrossFit. And that’s when things really got rolling.

I wanted to take my workouts to the next level, so I signed up for private training. My coach even worked in a custom warm-up routine with the help of the gym’s massage therapist. I’ve had a bad shoulder for years, so we always started with something to strengthen the muscle and improve mobility before moving on to the more intense stuff.

All those hours of training paid off. Last year, I qualified for the CrossFit Regionals and I placed top 60 in the world. It was crazy, but it wasn’t enough to make it to the CrossFit Games. So now I’m training even harder.

To be honest, if you’d told me I’d be doing this in my 60’s, I wouldn’t have believed you. But somehow Studeo’s been able to get me in the best shape of my life. Next spring, I want to place in the top 20 (for 60+) at Regionals, and then hopefully quality for the Games. I know my trainers can get me there.

I believe greatness comes from building a solid foundation. If you’re strong, if you know how to move your body, you’re going to reach your fitness goals. Probably surpass them. At Studeo, I wear a lot of hats. I’m a coach. I’m a massage therapist. And I also train, mostly CrossFit.

It’s the only place I’ve ever wanted to be. Whatever role I’m in, I’m always pushing for better. Whether it’s helping someone work past an injury or kill it in the CrossFit box, I’m going to see them reach that goal.

A while ago, I hurt my knee pretty bad. It was three weeks before my first half marathon. Thought I’d have to bow out. But I spent those three weeks in intense massage therapy, and it changed my whole outlook. That’s when I realized the power of massage and movement training.

I work with people both pre and post workout, depending on what their body needs. If I’m coaching, I use the same principles. You can make someone sweat, you can push them hard, but if they lack the proper technique, they’re not going to get to that next level or they’re going to hurt themselves.

With my own training, I push just as hard. Actually, Studeo reminds me a lot of my competitive sports days. Everybody is bonded by sweat and works together as a team. I love getting in the box. The energy in there is insane. Even though I’m a coach, I still have my own goals – like making the CrossFit Games as a Masters Athlete. It might not happen for a few years, but I’ll get there.

I always tell people, I’m just a regular guy with ambitious dreams. When I was growing up, those dreams were all about one thing: basketball. I played for both my high school and college teams, and I loved every minute of it. I was in top shape, but as my business started to take off, my focus shifted. It felt selfish to work on myself when there were so many other people depending on me. So I put basketball, and fitness in general, on the back burner.

Then my son was born and everything changed. I realized it was selfish to not take care of myself. My family needed me and they needed me healthy. I didn’t want my boy to grow up with a dad who couldn’t keep up, couldn’t play, run, or shoot hoops. Around that time, my doctor gave me a warning—because I’d let myself go, I’d probably have a heart attack in the next 10 years. That was all the wake up call I needed.

I joined Studeo with the best intentions, but at first I just couldn’t commit. It’s never been easy for me to change my ways. I work a lot (like 28 hours a day) and back then the gym was the last thing on my mind, but my coaches wouldn’t let me go. They found a way to work themselves into my schedule. And that’s when I started seeing results.

It’s amazing how when you’re fit, you’re fit in every single way. Suddenly, my mind felt as quick as my feet. Even though I had gotten back to my college playing weight, I was still nervous the first time I stepped back on the court. I was only playing with friends, but it was competitive. Like, college-level.

When I ran down the court and back at full speed, playing like I didn’t know I could anymore, I was shocked. I actually stopped mid-play at one point, because I couldn’t believe it. I had gone for so long without feeling that good.

I still train with Studeo and sometimes it’s still a struggle. There’s always so much going on in my life, but i would never even think of giving up training this time. It’s too important. I don’t really believe in competing with other guys at the gym—who’s the strongest, or whatever. The only person I’m competing against is myself. I want to be the best man I can be for my family. That’s all that matters.

I’ve always had a picture in my head of what my dream job would be: something active, obviously, since I’ve played sports forever. But also something that helps people better themselves. Find self love. Just feel good, you know? So when I saw the Nutritionist posting at Studeo, I jumped at the chance.

I like to take a holistic approach to nutrition. I don’t just look at what you’re putting in your body, but when and how you’re eating and how much sleep and exercise you’re getting, too – it all adds up. I try to strike the perfect balance between nourishing and pushing the body to the next level of fitness. This combination of nutrition and exercise is actually what led me to joining the coaching team, too

The thing I love most about this gym is how many different fitness journeys are happening all at once. You know, there’s a CrossFit class in one area, personal training in another, spin classes, mobility sessions. It’s a really special, diverse culture, made of all kinds of people with very different goals. And because I play so many roles here, I get to know everyone. I’m on a first-name basis with probably 95% of our membership, and I love it.

When it comes to being a coach, I may break into periodic dance parties (you can definitely hear my laugh from across the gym) but don’t let that fool you. I work my clients hard and I expect results. With my own training, I try to hold myself to the same standards. I do a lot – mostly weightlifting and boxing. And working at Studeo, I’ve definitely been in the best shape of my life. At least I was until a few months ago.

I woke up one night in extreme pain and was rushed to the hospital. It was my appendix, and I had to go straight into emergency surgery. After that, everything was put on hold. I couldn’t train, I couldn’t work out. It was the worst feeling – my body had turned on me. I was used to being so strong, having a ton of stamina, and there I was, nursing stitches. But it turned out to be a good reminder to listen to my body. It’s changed my mindset, and I’ve slowed down a bit, but I still want to get back to where I was. I never want to stop trying to better my best.


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Studeo: Opinions

5/5 (28 Opinions)
Rogery Wrigley 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I am lucky to join Studeo 55. I was looking for a Health Club Downtown Vancouver and found this gym to be the perfect place for workout. The experienced trainers keep me motivated always. I recommend this gym to anyone who is interested in shaping up their muscles under perfect guidance.

Jay Lau 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Hands down the best gym I've ever belong to. The staff and all the coaches as well as the majority of it's members ( I say majority because I have not come to know all members yet because there has been new members signing up regularly) are some of the most sincere, helpful, humble and down to earth individuals to be part of this company; and it shows in their attitude and work ethics and most importantly how they treat their members . These men and women really do care about the clients . For example, their have been few times when I have accidentally left behind a few items( e.g Gym shoes, skipping rope etc. ) I call them and it always ends up in the lost and found and have been treated with great care . I really appreciate that. So , I just wanna say as a member who has been there since January 2013, Thank you guys for all that you do . Thank you for pushing me during the workouts to achieve the results that I aiming for , Thank you for making the workouts fun. Thank you for not judging me and thank you for making cross-fit what it is . A tight family . I can wholeheartedly support this gym by saying , if you're looking for a gym or specifically one that is specially, cross fit . This is the place to join. That's my two cents. PS : Never had a problem booking an appointment with the physiotherapist with Integrated Health at Studeo 55 .

Ian McGavin 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Best gym I've ever been to, not to mention how great the staff are! :)

Camila Nunes 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: I have been going to this gym for almost 2 years and I found that the only gym I have even been that they really care about us. I would bring my family and friends there. I love my personal his name is Milan, the massage therapist Theron White and the nutritionist Jana. I say that is worth every penny I pay.

S. NA. 1 year ago

Fantastic experience: Best staff and facilities of any gym I've ever been a member at.

Kyle Duske 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: I had an intense muscle spasm, and possible disk bulge, that left me walking on a cane for almost a week. I am a martial arts instructor so being immobilized like that was really hard. After just one RMT session Theron had me off my cane. It’s been a slow recovery and I still have a ways to go but I might still be hobbled over a cane if it wasn’t for Theron. I can’t recommend and thank Theron enough.

Taylor “TJ” Wallace 2 years ago

Fantastic experience: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality Absolutely one of THE friendliest, knowledgeable and accommodating fitness facilities I have been to - from the front desk, to the trainers and ownership. The place is spotless, full of options and equipment, and the staff is fantastic.

Phil Abraham 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: Great gym, friendly staff and trainers! CrossFit style facility and programming. Highly recommend

Sound Sculptor Recordings 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: An amazing, high quality gym with genuinely caring, motivating, fun and communicative staff. Most impressively, they use an integrated approach where trainers, physios, and nutritionists work together to help you reach your fitness goals . The physio and nutritionist initial visits are included in the sign up fee. Its the best quality you can find in a gym and the space has a really cool and modern design, but the vibe isn't pretentious. Matt was super friendly and really took the time to understand and evaluate my fitness goals and challenges.

Max Sheen 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: Very clean gym, thorough COVID protocols, did not feel at risk at any time. I loved the simplicity of the online booking and I especially loved the trainers. All trainers are very supportive - I learned more in the past year than my entire gym life before. Thank you!!

Ayberk Aslan 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: Very clean and all equipments available. Loved this gym

Zhang Han 3 years ago

Fantastic experience: あなた自身を鍛えるのにとても良い場所です。利用可能なすべての機器.

Justin Voitic 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: Jana is the best boxing teacher ever!

Ken Matthews 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: Love this gym, lots of different exercise me to choose from

Peter Pi 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: One of the funnest gym in town. STUDEO offers variety of classes for all levels. The coaches are knowledgeable and experienced at instructing. You can easily look at the weekly workouts via their Facebook page, as well as use the MINDBODY App to book the classes you want. If you want to get fit and do it right, this is it. I love going to the 6:15AM classes as those are the least busiest. The only negative review would be that their current pound mats for the platforms needs replacing.

Just me! ! 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: Dope gym! I’m so glad this place exists and I’m looking forward to attending as many classes as possible. Took the boxing class at 5:30pm (Amanda was the Instructor) and it was amazing. So challenging, but worth even sweat and tear. Bathrooms were clean and there are so many cool spaces around the gym. Also, they have a smoothie bar at the front that I didn’t have a chance to try.

Brent Price 4 years ago

Fantastic experience: Even though I no longer train here, I recommend it to everyone. The coaches are incredible and the programming is great! You wont find a community like this anywhere else.

Pallavi Gurrala 5 years ago

Fantastic experience: My favorite gym in Vancouver! Been going here for a few years now and it’s become my second home. I love the beautiful space, the classes, the people and the coaches genuinely care about you and your progress. There is a mix of classes for everyone and one of my favorite classes is BOX with Jana or a crossfit class in the downstairs space. It helps that there is a clinic right inside the gym as well, Theron (the RMT) has come to my saving many times!

Brian Hemeryck 5 years ago

Fantastic experience: Theron White in Ntegrated Health / the clinic at Studeo55 is hands down the best RMT/physiotherapist I've been to, and I've been to a lot. For any Europeans reading, he is more of a sports physio in my eyes (coming from Ireland). Don't expect just a regular massage - he takes the time to investigate a problem, get to the root of the cause and solve it properly..not just give a quick massage for quick but temporary relief. Over 2 years in Vancouver I went to him with multiple old (and a couple of new) injuries from sport & training and he helped me in every case. His knowledge of the body is second to none but as a constant learner he won't admit to that. If you have an injury / something bothering you (especially something someone else told you that you'll have to live with) go to him, trust his judgement and follow his advice. He won't see you anymore than he feels necessary. Thanks Theron!

Kepler F 6 years ago

Fantastic experience: I love the crossfit space there . A lot space and very clean for a crossfit box

Warren C 6 years ago

Fantastic experience: This is the best gym in the city. A great selection of classes & personal training sessions. The coaches are awesome, motivating & help you get results! Super easy to book and keep schedule with the mind body app. They also have in house physio, RMT, chiro & parking. A bit more expensive than other gyms but worth it!

Jack O' Connor 6 years ago

Fantastic experience: This is the best gym in all of Vancouver! It is the most well designed gym I have ever been to. The most incredible thing about Studeo is that the team really care about your progress and want you to achieve your goals.

Emily 6 years ago

Fantastic experience: Wonderful... just beautiful.

Kieran Morris 6 years ago

Fantastic experience: An amazing facility with great trainers. I strongly recommend Studeo55 to anyone, especially those wanting to see big changes in their fitness levels

Brad Beebe 6 years ago

Fantastic experience: I had mild knee issues when I started training at Studeo55. I was able to cover all aspects of my treatment in one place using their in-house personal trainers, physio and RMT (all of whom coordinated together to ensure my training program was suited specifically for my needs). The facilities are top notch and the staff are very friendly and accommodating. Would recommend to anyone wanting a more personalized training experience.

Yannick Desautels 7 years ago

Fantastic experience: Best decision I've made in 2015. Amazing body changes. I am doing things that I would have never believe I was able to to. Amazing trainers and great members.

Magdalena Malvido 7 years ago

Fantastic experience: Great atmosphere, friendly professional and fun. Always something different to keep you interested and getting results. Excellent location and convenient parking

JD Stuart 7 years ago

Fantastic experience: This is by far the best gym I've ever been apart of. The staff are extremely friendly and helpful and the CrossFit sessions are unreal!

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