Informations sur Snap Fitness

29 Ave 6302
T4X 0H5, Beaumont

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Snap Fitness is the world's premier gym dedicated to providing results to members through 24-7 access to high-intensity interval training. Learn more!

Hi My name is Gabe. I'm probably like a lot of Mums, that we're doing everything for everyone else. When I started at the Gym, I had no sense of who I was and I just needed a few minutes break from my kids every day so I joined the Gym and it just turned into a whole new life. I've lost 55kgs since starting my health and fitness journey a year ago and I've become the best version of myself. I cope so much better when I'm able to get away and have a break and go to the gym and exercise. By putting myself first, I have not only become the best version of myself. But I've become the best mother, the best wife. I learned that by putting myself first, Is probably the most important thing I do for my family.

Hi My name is Gabe. I'm probably like a lot of Mums, that we're doing everything for everyone else. When I started at the Gym, I had no sense of who I was and I just needed a few minutes break from my kids every day so I joined the Gym and it just turned into a whole new life. I've lost 55kgs since starting my health and fitness journey a year ago and I've become the best version of myself. I cope so much better when I'm able to get away and have a break and go to the gym and exercise. By putting myself first, I have not only become the best version of myself. But I've become the best mother, the best wife. I learned that by putting myself first, Is probably the most important thing I do for my family.

Hi, my name is Cosmo. Because of a recent ski injury, I don’t have any control of my legs. Every day in rehab after the accident, I would wake up and just try to get back to independence. Before I got injured, I was working out every day. I wanted to continue, but I didn’t know how. Thankfully, the Snap Fitness Houghton owners and I inspected every piece of equipment in the gym to figure out how I could still do as many workouts as possible. The main reason I became a member at Snap Fitness was accessibility. Any gym can be the most accessible gym physically, but sometimes you really do just need some help. When I come here, there’s a community of people who are willing to do almost anything to help me, and that’s what I consider accessible.

Hi, my name is Cosmo. Because of a recent ski injury, I don’t have any control of my legs. Every day in rehab after the accident, I would wake up and just try to get back to independence. Before I got injured, I was working out every day. I wanted to continue, but I didn’t know how. Thankfully, the Snap Fitness Houghton owners and I inspected every piece of equipment in the gym to figure out how I could still do as many workouts as possible. The main reason I became a member at Snap Fitness was accessibility. Any gym can be the most accessible gym physically, but sometimes you really do just need some help. When I come here, there’s a community of people who are willing to do almost anything to help me, and that’s what I consider accessible.


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