Informations sur Fitness 1440 Airdrie

Kingsview Blvd SE 2920
T4A 0A9, Airdrie

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Fitness 1440 gym franchise provides high quality personal training, fitness classes, and modern equipment to help you achieve your fitness goals.

We provide different zones to best fit what motivates you to achieve your goals. It’s important that at the end of each workout you feel re-energized and empowered.

We offer a variety of classes to ensure that every member can thrive as they achieve their goals, either in a group or one-on-one with a personal trainer.

Ready to party yourself into shape? That’s what the Zumba program is all about! An exhilarating, easy-to-follow, calorie-burning, Latin-inspired dance fitness party that’s moving millions of people into joy and health.

Enthusiasts know how effective these classes are in torching fat! Our classes are designed to allow first time participants to enjoy the same benefits. Classes are typically one hour long with our certified instructors guiding the entire time.

Yoga uses slow movements and stretching to increase flexibility, balance and cardio strength. It is also good for relieving stress and promoting relaxation. Yoga has been used as a meditation technique for thousands of years to help you get in tune with your body.

We know that women have their own special fitness needs so we’ve provided a “Women Only” space called Ladies X right in our own facility. Enjoy the workout you want in the privacy you need right here at FITNESS:1440™.

Physical activity is important for maintaining strong bones and a healthy heart. That’s why we’re please to add the Silver Sneakers Fitness Program. We want you to live a longer, healthier life and have a greater hand in your health. The Silver Sneakers program allows you to take advantage of  FITNESS:1440™ membership and special health features at no additional cost.

Fitness can be for all age types and fun for the entire family. At FITNESS:1440™ we enjoy offering kids fitness programs that allow kids to be active, in a safe environment, building a healthy foundation for life.

At FITNESS:1440™ locations we offer many different class types that will help you build functional strength, improve balance and coordination as well as muscle.

Target 24 is our solution to today’s need for convenience and time efficiency coupled with a scientifically proven approach. Led by a trainer, these classes are done in 24 minutes and you are coached to stay in the proper heart rate zones to maximize your metabolic output. A huge advantage of this program is that any level of fitness is welcome and we all celebrate our wins in the end!! This is similar to other boutique clubs but is included with you membership!

During a member’s workout, their heart rate will be displayed throughout the club. This ensures that each member will get the most efficient workout every time.

We are in the business of motivating community to mobilize and energize one another. At Fitness:1440, it’s not just about weight and measurements. It’s about helping you spur one another on to achieve your goals and do more than you ever thought you could.


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